Squatch Mom and Friends Encounter Mysterious Lights and Sounds Near Ridge Trail in Bailey, Colorado

Overview of the Encounter

The witness, known as Squatch Mom, was accompanied by friends, including a person identified as Sam, and an anxious dog during their exploration for Bigfoot signs.

Date: unknown

Year: unknown

Location: Ridge Trail, Bailey, Colorado

Land Managed By: BLM

Nearest Town: Bailey

County: Park County

State: Colorado

Nearest Landmark: Coyote Hill

Witness Accounts

On an unspecified date, a group of individuals, including a witness identified as Squatch Mom, set out on a hiking excursion on the Ridge Trail in Bailey, Colorado. The intent of the hike was to investigate a trail they had previously explored at night, searching for potential signs of Bigfoot activity. The group consisted of Squatch Mom, Sam, who was equipped with new binoculars, and a dog, described as anxious. During their hike, the group encountered several natural features including valleys and ridges, which made navigation somewhat challenging. They highlighted a particular trail that led to what they believed was the area they had previously explored. At one point, they came across a "tree break," a feature commonly associated with Bigfoot activity, causing them to speculate about their location and the possibility of having explored this area before. As they continued their hike, they noted their surroundings, describing the terrain and the various valleys and ridges they encountered. At one point, they stopped to listen to sounds in the area, which included possible animal noises such as coyote barks, but they also reported hearing human voices at a distance. The voices appeared to be coming from the direction of a nearby ridge, but the group could not ascertain whether these were other hikers or campers. Squatch Mom mentioned that, while resting, Sam had heard a “thump” in the area, an unusual sound that increased their alertness. As dusk approached, they began to hear what they described as “possible coyote barks” and “maybe some howls,” which seemed to contribute to the ambiance of the wilderness around them. However, they were cautious not to rule out the possibility that these sounds could be from campers in the nearby vicinity. As the evening progressed and darkness fell, the group decided to head back. They noted a peculiar light high up in the trees that both Squatch Mom and Sam observed simultaneously from different vantage points. This light appeared to move and then suddenly disappeared. The sighting of the light created a sense of intrigue and mystery, prompting them to investigate further; however, their search yielded no additional findings. Feeling a sense of unease from an encounter with a “creepy camper” they had spotted earlier, Squatch Mom and Sam decided to hasten their return to the truck. The hike concluded without any direct sightings of Bigfoot, but their experience was filled with a combination of sounds, mysterious lights, and the presence of the wilderness that suggested they might not have been alone in the woods that night. The account provided insight into their exploration efforts and the atmospheric conditions of the area, while also considering the possibility of Bigfoot activity based on their observations of unusual sounds and the mysterious light.



Note: Information above was collected and summarized by A.I. Dates, name and location could be inaccurate or wrong.